Home Decor

Home Decor
Home Decor for the Real World

Friday, August 6, 2010

Create Your Own Princess Bedroom Theme in 4 Easy Steps

Is your daughter a little princess that is dreaming of a magical bedroom that will make all of her little friends jealous. She’s wanting something unique, that no one else has, and you’re wondering how on earth to give her what she wants without resorting to the predictable themed bedding available on the market. Well, it’s time to get crafty and create your own princess bedroom theme.

Step 1: Wall Color Try to think outside the norm when selecting a wall color for your daughter's room. Pink is an option, but with all the other options out there, why limit yourself to something so predictable? You could still do deeper shades of pinks, but also consider minty greens or pale lavenders. You can also get artistic and create stripes with each of these colors by masking off areas with painting tape.

Step 2: Bedroom Furnishings You might be able to still use the current furniture in your daughter's room depending upon her age. You can change the look of the furniture by giving it a quick coat of white paint, or if you're more brave, a shimmering coat of silver. You can design a custom headboard by printing out a clipart picture of a crown and taking it to a copy shop to have it enlarged to a workable size. Using that enlargement as your template, cut her new headboard out of plywood and attach it to the bed. For added sparkle, purchase cheap rhinestones or plastic jewels from a craft store and glue them to the furniture.

Step 3: Princess Inspired Bedding Bedding for a princess bedroom theme can be as simple or as elaborate as you would like. Of course satin-like fabrics and lace fit right in, but for small little girls this may not be a practical choice. Remember, simple solid bedding can be transformed with a few tassels or fancy edging. Unless you really like to sew, use heat tape to save yourself some time and trouble. Also, an inexpensive tulle canopy adds an instant royal touch that can be improved upon further with a few more of the jewels that you used on the furniture. Hint1: Use a bejeweled window scarf to surround the doorway for a royal entrance.. Hint 2: Add a few more jewels or window tassels to a plain bed skirt for more sparkle.

Step 4: Decorative Accessories Get creative with the accessories for this theme! For example, take a pair of worn out high heels and give them a quick spray of silver glitter paint. To carry the idea further, embellish the shoes a bit more by adding a small piece of florist foam and insert gift bows and ribbons attached to floral picks and you have a very unique accent piece (preferably placed out of reach). A fuzzy rug and accent pillow and you’re done!

Follow these steps to create a princess bedroom theme for your daughter that no one else will have. Remember to let her help with the project, while it may take you more time to create her beautiful bedroom, but it will be worth it for the beautiful memories with your little princess.

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